The Poet: Super Sonnet Sunday: Everything But the Kitchen Sink

Mother Nature is like me,
Quite bipolar, just for a start,
Temps in the eighties one day, from it I only want to flee,
The next is thirty-nine, your breath comes in clouds to wave away.

And, now the poem will shift,
A neat little segue,
To love being the world’s most beautiful gift,
Assigning a ten thousand word essay.

What does an essay have to do with love,
Everything! If it’s an essay on Romeo and Juliet,
The love between them is sweeter than any dove,
Spend five hundred words describing the sunset.

Romeo and Juliet, an essay on love, Mother Nature’s mental disorder,
What more can be crammed into this oversized poem?
This question could not be harder,
A challenge it is, and I’m going to show them.

Star Wars and Star Trek and Doctor Who for good measure,
We’ll stir up a nice pot of chaos,
John de Lancie is both Q and Discord, of that I am sure,
Come now, it’s time for the séance.

What does Harley Quinn and Twilight Sparkle have in common?
Their voice actor, the one and only Tara Strong,
Seems awfully rotten,
Smelling distinctly of Hong Kong.

And this has been my Super Sonnet Sunday,
You better believe it’s my number one fun day.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

The Poet-Super Sonnet Sunday: All Under Control

Delirious he,
Delirious she,
Delirious me,
Delirious thee.

Mania and Dementia,
Manic and Depressive,
Twins on the same coin, hallelujah,
Yet suddenly compressive.

Bi-polar disorder, you old fiend,
Or claim you Sheogorath be,
From thee the Joker has many things gleaned,
Constant accursed companion you are to me.

Mental health is not a joke,
Trapped in this monster’s eternal yoke,
My brains spill out little more than yolk,
And, I’ll feel as if I never woke.

On paper, it’s easy to be mad,
The audience merely thinks it’s an act,
In reality, I’m not all that bad,
I’d say I’ve got plenty of tact.

Negative thoughts, self-deprecation, all under control,
I’ll at least let you think I’m playing that role.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

Multiplicity: Where Do The Others Come From  

This isn’t a question I found on Quora, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was there somewhere. It is a topic that greatly interests me, and has since I discovered them. It’s one of those things I’ve puzzled over for years, talking to pretty much whoever would listen to me about it. In the end though, I’ve only come up with theories, as I don’t believe there is any one specific way they come into being. There are ways that therapists and psychiatrists have theorized, and there are the ways I’ve thought about it. My thoughts are certainly more entertaining than what the scientists have come up with, but then I want to spend my life telling stories for a living, so my ideas should be more entertaining. So, I think what we’ll do from here is have a nice little discussion of what these theories are. We’ll start with the way I understand the scientific theories (it’s very important to note at this point that I am NOT a medical professional, and everything I say in this section should be taken with a grain of salt), then we’ll progress to the entertaining theories that I’ve come up with, and lastly we’ll discuss what my current and previous therapists think is the most likely cause for my specific case. 

(Now, what’s probably going to happen is I’m going to give a very brief overview of the topics here then expand each one to its own post later on. If I do go through with that plan, I will come back to this post, and add a link to each individual topic.)

Classic Case

(Just a reminder, I am NOT a medical professional, and everything said here should be taken with a grain of salt.)

The causes of the disorder in the classical sense are almost universally some form of traumatic experience during the patient’s childhood. This could be some form of abuse such as physical, mental, or sexual. It could also be some other traumatic experience like the death of a close friend or family member, a car wreck, constant bullying from ones peers (which I suppose counts as constant physical and mental abuse), among a wide variety of other things. The way the mind copes with these events is to create the alternate personalities. In other words, the disassociation is a type of defense mechanism. The mind will create these alternate personalities for specific purposes, but often enough those personalities will reach out and become much more than the intended purpose, and evolve until they are a complete and distinct personality from the core (or host) personality.

In my experience and somewhat limited research (again, not a medical professional) I’ve found that there tend to be four primary types of classic personalities: a splinter personality, a defensive personality, a sort of emotional focus, and the focus of an intense drive or desire. (I’d like to note at this point that there is going to be a lot of overlap between not only these personalities, but those discussed in later sections.)

The splinter personality is typically a one off personality, created by a single traumatic event and lasting only long enough for the primary personality to process whatever situation created the splinter personality. These personalities are almost never fully formed personalities, though they can evolve, developing a complete character separate from the primary personality, this will often move them from being a splinter personality to one of the other personality types. In my experience the new personality type is most often a defensive personality.

The defensive personality is exactly what it sounds like it should be. The mind creates this personality as a way to deal with a traumatic experience that occurs over an extended period of time (such as the mental, physical, and emotional abuse discussed above). There are a number of ways this personality will react when faced with the situation its meant to defend against. In some cases it will simply absorb the negativity of the experience like a sort of sponge to protect the primary personality, while in other circumstances it will react violently when faced with the experience that created it. The period of control this personality can exert varies just like the splinter personality, though the defensive mechanism almost always develops into an independent personality complete with its own hopes, dreams, mannerisms, and a plethora of other traits. This personality is not always aware of the primary personality, and will often come with a sort of backstory and false memories that it fills in from early childhood to whatever point in life the personality was created at. This personality is often the first one to realize that it isn’t alone, and that it isn’t the core personality. In my experience this personality is also the most likely to become a negative personality.

The emotional focus personality is also pretty self explanatory. This personality is created when the primary personality feels an emotion so strongly that it overwhelms the primary personality. An emotional focus created in this fashion is most often created by feelings of anger or rage, and manifests whenever the primary personality crosses a particular threshold when it comes to this emotion. This does not mean that feelings of anger and rage are the only emotions that can spawn an emotional focus personality. It is just as easy for a person to convince themselves that they’re not allowed, or don’t deserve, to experience true happiness. Then whenever that emotion arises this personality manifests. The potential exists for this type of personality to develop with every emotion. In my experience I’ve seen emotional focus personalities that are based on feelings of sadness and depression, sexual feelings, romantic feelings, anger, happiness, and quite a few others. These personalities often fall under the category of splinter personalities, and, depending on the inciting emotion, they can have a high chance of becoming negative personalities. Emotional focus personalities can also serve as defensive personalities, and poses the potential to become full fledged independent personalities.

Desire driven personalities overlap with both emotional personalities and splinter personalities. They are created most often when an individual find something they want, but feel they aren’t capable of achieving that goal. It is a type of escapist personality, and often becomes a sort of ideal self for the primary personality. A sort of daydream personality, where they imagine this personality doing all the things they feel they’re incapable of achieving. There’s a very easy and popular example of this personality type in the form of Tyler Durden from Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. (If you believe certain, fan theories this type of personality would also describe the character of Ferris Bueller from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.) This type of personality is almost always a fully formed personality though they will start out as either an emotional focus personality or a defensive personality and evolve from there. The primary personality will almost always be aware of this personality to one extent or another, typically with this personality existing in the imagination as the primary personality’s ideal self. (In children the desire driven personality will typically appear as an imaginary friend, and work as both the desire driven personality and a coping mechanism for the child. It will also typically take on the form of one of the child’s heroes/heroines from a TV program/movie/cartoon that they’re particularly fond of, as they age it will evolve into the image of the child’s ideal self.)

Supernatural Conduit

And, now we get to move on to the fun and entertaining theories I’ve come up with over the years. I also can’t claim full credit for these theories as I’ve picked them up from multiple different sources over the years, though, as far as I can tell a couple of them are wholly my creation.

Old Souls are one of the first things that come to mind. Old Souls are part of the idea of reincarnation and they tend to be the collection of your memories and experiences from a past life. Sometimes these personalities are merely flat representations of the memories, basically a repository of the information to be gleaned from that life, and other times they are fully fledged independent personalities that exist separate from the primary personality. I’m not sure how I would connect this type of personality back to the classic cases. I guess the personality type would fit in with any type of personality discussed in the classic cases, though it would overlap most with the defensive personality and the desire driven personality.

New Souls are the second to come to mind. I believe this is one of the ones that I’ve come up with on my own. (At least I don’t remember seeing it anywhere before.) Anyway, the idea if a new soul is just what it sounds like. This is a soul just being born and is basically using the “host soul” as a sort of egg to develop and grow in. In my estimation, it is most likely that these new souls are going to be the souls passed onto the children of the “host soul”. I also believe that these personalities have no connection to the personalities discussed in the classic cases section.

This next theory probably counts as the most “out there” theory, and centers around the idea of the truly supernatural. If you can’t guess, I’m talking about avatars, demonic and angelic possession, and anything else that might fit into the realm of the completely inexplicable. Basically, I’m talking about the “host soul” becoming a true to life conduit for beings that exist beyond our concept for reality. It could be that one of the personalities is a type of demonic possession in which the “demon soul” is entwined with the “host soul” in such a way that even an exorcism wouldn’t separate the two beings. Then you have the possibility of angelic “possession” in a similar fashion where the angel is sharing a symbiotic relationship with the “host soul”. And, the final, kind of most entertaining part of this theory, is the “host soul” being chosen as an avatar for one of the divine powers in existence.Loki, Thor, Odin, Zeus, Aphrodite, Horus-Ra, Bastet, God, Lucifer, among countless others. An avatar is the mortal representative of the divine being who chooses to manifest in a mortal form. As I mentioned earlier this is the most out there theory, and as such, is the least likely to be the correct answer to the question of where the others come from. It is fun to think about.

Another kind of sub classification of the Supernatural Conduit theory is that of an eternity in a living hell. My idea behind this is that a supernatural being, an immortal of sorts, has been bound to a mortal soul as a type of punishment. I feel like this is one of the real laws of nature/physics. The idea that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. As such, what is consciousness (standing in for the idea of the soul) if not a type of energy, and the consciousness of an immortal mythological being is a representation of pure energy. Therefore the consciousness of this immortal being is bound to the soul of a mortal, and the magic used to bind the offending soul exists in such a way as to allow the immortal soul to be aware of everything happening around it and the mortal soul, but it’s bound in such a way that it can never act under the power of its own will. To me this would be like being trapped in some form of an ultimately debilitating physical or mental condition. For me that would be hell, being trapped in a body, being alive and aware of everything happening around me, but having absolutely no ability to interact with the environment and those around me. My only wish at that point would be to die, so I no longer had to face my own personal hell. (That’s where the idea of a personality trapped in an eternal hell comes from.) I would also say that this personality is the most likely to be a negative personality.

The multiverse theory. This is another one I feel like I’ve come up with mostly on my own, though I did have a bit of help with the idea in the form of a Jet Li movie, (i)The One(i). In this movie Jet Li plays two or three of the primary characters, I can’t remember, but the premise is that one character, the villainous version of Jet Li is hunting down the other version of himself that exist across the multiverse in an effort to consolidate the power of all of those versions of himself into one being (the intent is for the villainous version of Jet Li to be left as the last remaining version of that character). In the way I see the multiverse theory is that we, as individuals, exist in all universes at the same time. Were not always the exact same person, though our genetics and such are pretty much identical (in most cases), but we are linked through the string of our shared soul. Some of the others that manifest within a multiplicity individual could possibly be reflections of that individual from other universes. That doesn’t mean the soul in the other universe is dead, only that this personality (or the host personality) has learned how to look across the barrier between realities and is strong enough to manifest and interact with our reality.

Fantasy made reality/life imitates art. This isn’t really a theory I’ve had direct contact with, but it has been more observation of the lives going on around me. Primarily the lives of celebrities. Now, I’m not a big one to follow the stories of different celebs, but there are some factors I’ve found impossible to ignore. Primarily with actors, and the type of acting they do. I mean method actors, of course. These actors seem to embrace the idea of Multiplicity. They don’t pretend to play a character so much as they literally focus on becoming that character. They work to pull the character up off the pages of the script/novel/whatever and transform themselves into that character. There is a very powerful example of this, but I don’t think I’ve got time to talk about it right now (not unless I want this post to get waaaay longer than it is already). This topic will most definitely come up in a post of its own.

The Most Likely Explanation

Now for the final, and probably the most boring part of the discussion.

I am not a classic case of MPD/DID. I’ve been aware of my others for almost as long as they’ve existed. I know, and can control, when they manifest and for how long they’re out. It not so much as me stepping out of the driver seat to give them free reign of the wheel, its more like they’re sitting on my lap while I work the pedals. I can remember almost everything that happens while they’re manifesting, and they have to work, very hard, if they’re trying to hide something they did or some piece of information they have from me. In short I’m always in control. (And, that’s not necessarily a good thing. At least to me anyway.)

I do have some of the classic causes for the development of the others. I was bullied as a kid in grade school, all the way from kindergarten up to ninth grade. I was the kid with the big @$$ bullseye on the back of my head. I practically always had a figurative “kick me” sign taped to my back. I don’t know why. But, that mental and emotional abuse did create probably the only classical personality I have. Kain.

I believe Kain was born as a defensive personality. He is the being that took control of me when it came to facing down the bullies. He never got violent. Don’t get me wrong, he wanted too, but other factors in my personality prevented that from happening. So, he did the next best thing. He absorbed the abuse (it was never really physical abuse, just the mental and emotional variety), and he protected me from it. I was a relatively well adjusted kid for much of my childhood, and it was only in the later years (after the bullying had stopped, oddly enough) that a lot of my mental health issues began to surface. And, if I remember correctly, I was aware of Kain while I was a child. He was my imaginary friend. I don’t remember what his name was at the time, but I know he was the red Power Ranger and we had many interesting adventures fighting the vile forces of Rita Repulsa.

Now that we’ve got the classic case personality out of the way lets talk about the rest of my retinue. All of my therapists have come to pretty much the same conclusion. I am a novelist, a storyteller. I was born one, and have wanted nothing more throughout my entire life than to make a living telling stories. As such, this has created a predisposition in me towards creating fictional characters. I’ve populated countless worlds with many many different fictional characters, and my therapists believe that the personalities I share a mind and body with have been born from this predisposition.

I’ve come to grudgingly accept this explanation over the years, as much as I enjoy the entertaining theories discussed above. This explanation does make the most logical sense.

If I wanted too, I could continue to drag this post out by discussing the different varieties of fictional characters I’ve noticed over the course of my time with Multiplicity, but I think that would be better left to another topic. And, sense this post has run on so long I feel the need to offer those of you who made it this far something of an apology. So, as an apology, here is a picture of a Jesus on a potato chip:

 jesus on a potato chip

 Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:


Daily Stats: 9/1/18

So, I’ve come up with an interesting idea. Yesterday I published a poem titled One Year From Today, and I have to say I’m absolutely honest about that resolution. I’ve come to the final breaking point in my life. Now, I’m going the other direction as quickly as I can. To work in my favor and maybe provide a little motivation, I’m going to keep track of all my basic activities. The ones that I feel will be most helpful in getting me to the point where I can find that new person and burn away all this mental mange. And, because I’m a glutton for punishment, I’m going to do all of this publicly. That’s right folks, I want you all to hold me publicly accountable for these actions. I also want you all to serve as my evidence.

Here’s what my list of stats is going to look like:

Stat List for 9/1/18

Walk: Distance 1.31 miles; Duration 00:29:34
Meditation: 5 sessions, 10+ minutes each
Poem A Day: Yes
Blog Post: Yes
Short Story Saturday post: No
The Goal That Shall Not Be Named: Yes
Homework: Way Behind

The stat list will vary pretty regularly, as there’s going to be variation in what’s being posted on the blog and such, and I’ll add in whether I’ve been doing any creative writing or not, such as adding a line that specifically says word count.

Just to make out a total list:

Poem A Day
Blog Post
Multiplicity post
Super Sonnet Sunday post
Short Story Saturday post
Stats post
The Goal That Shall Not Be Named
Word Count
Time Spent Writing Creatively
Blog Stats Weekly post
Blog Stats Monthly post

I decided another good thing to track would be the stats for my blog, and maybe throwing a shout out to those of you who want to follow my insanity.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

The Poet: One Year From Now

One year from now,
I’ll be unrecognizable,
Don’t ask how,
I’m more than capable.

I’m going to change,
The old me is dead,
I’ll burn away my mental mange,
And, seal it in a tomb of lead.

Don’t doubt me,
I’m behind this with all my heart,
Just wait and see,
Success will be my primary part.

I can succeed without a doubt,
I will succeed, I’ll tout it out.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

Victim of Instant Gratification

Are you a victim of instant gratification?
Do you want the world to work your way and no other?
How do you get your satisfaction?
Do you always run home to mother?

Instant gratification has torn our world apart,
Now, now, now is the demand for everything,
We want it all right after the start,
And, give up if its not working.

Messages in this world are instant,
Gratification is not,
Hard work and persistence must be your intent,
Nothing is ever all for naught.

Where will you go when instant gratification is far from your mind?
No longer will you ever be confined.


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

Check out my premium Medium post- Multiplicity: It’s All In Your Head


Inspiration: We’re All Victims of Instant Gratification

I know I should be writing Step 2 of my outlining series, but I kind of got caught off guard by this topic today. And, it is something that I want to talk about. Primarily because I know I’m a victim of instant gratification. I can almost guarantee you, that you are too.

(I also wrote a bad poem titled: Victim of Instant Gratification)

In a world where messages are instant, don’t you want everything else to be too. In the age of the internet, people have lost the understanding of what it means to work for something. Open up a web browser and BAM! the whole world is at your fingertips. Any piece of information you want can be accessed almost instantly. There is no waiting involved. As evidence of this point, I just did a google search for “instant gratification”, the response from Google was: “About 13,900,000 results (0.41 seconds)”. Do you know how short an amount of time .41 seconds is. I’ll tell you. Its less than the amount of time it takes you to blink. My finger had barely left the ENTER key before the page with the search results populated. Now tell me, if that’s not instant gratification, what is?

This is a problem for the world though. Why? Because it has created a generation of the ultra entitled. Countless people, the world over, believe that they’re entitled to everything that exists, and they’re entitled to it right now, just because they’re alive. I know this first hand. Why? Because I was one of them. I’m trying though, I’m learning to be better than that.

Nothing in this world is instant and worth having. To truly understand the value of a thing you have to have worked for it. To enjoy the success of some venture, you must have invested something into it. You must put your body, mind, heart, and soul into the process to acquire the McGuffin. Why? Because the world requires balance. You can’t have the good without the bad. And you have to have experienced the bad, the worst in fact, to understand the beauty of what it is you’ve accomplished.

Let’s take blogging as a short example. I’ve tried blogging on and off for the last ten years or so. Most often I’ll get about a month into it and give up. Why? It’s the instant gratification factor involved.

Building a successful blog takes time. It takes time to build an audience. It takes time to understand the different factors that are going to help your blog grow. You have to learn certain techniques to truly get things moving, and it takes time to learn those things. Search Engine Optimization (SEO for short) is not a skill that develops overnight. There are plenty of other factors as well. What type of content are you producing? How many people are interested in said content? Is it quality content? Do you know what you’re talking about? If you don’t know what you’re talking about, are you at least doing a good job of explaining the way you’re going about learning about this topic? And, this list could probably go on for hours.

Now, here I come expecting everything to be handed too me on a satin pillow, and, much to my surprise, I’ve had little to no traffic in the time a month has gone by. I feel like I’ve worked my heart and soul out, bleeding all over the keyboard as I’m doing it, and I’ve got nothing in return. So, at that point I would give up. I would never look past that, and not even try to understand what was happening. I wouldn’t look into learning how to do other things to help drive traffic, or improve the quality of my content, or really understand anything about how to build a blog. I just expected it to be super easy for me because I’m “ME” (and, yes, at the time I would think about myself in all caps). I’m trying to learn the difference this time.

I’m about four or five days into this attempt at blogging, and this time I’m determined to be successful. I’m not going to let the lack of instant gratification get to me, rather I’m going to understand that nothing comes without hard work and determination. Dedication and discipline are a requirement in this field. I’m also going to look at studying marketing and SEO and a hundred other things that are related to building a blog. I want to make a living as a writer, so I need to build an audience. A blog is one of the best ways to do that. Now, I just need to learn to be patient enough to put in the time and effort required to build it.

Come to think of it now, I might actually try to do something somewhat entertaining. (At least the thought of it to me is entertaining.) I believe I’ll track the progress of my blog both here on WordPress and on Medium (and maybe Blogger if I decide to revive that blog, though I’m basically just posting the same content on all of them.) Tracking the progress of the blog will go a long way towards helping me build the blog and understand how this unique online world works.

Anywho, I feel like I’m rambling, and have totally lost the thread of thought that was the impetus to this post. I’ve also got about a hundred other things I need to do on my day off. So, I’ll be signing off here. Have a good one.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

Check out my premium Medium post- Multiplicity: It’s All In Your Head


Get Your Shit Together

Get your shit together,
This is my new mission,
No matter the state of the weather,
I have made the final decision.

Ten long years I wallowed in misery,
I broke my vows and was naught but a child,
That is why my marriage is history,
And, why the papers will soon be filed.

I won’t let it continue,
The misery will no longer rule,
My decision is far past due,
But, I will protect it like a jewel.

Here’s to the life I will now live,
I won’t fail, I’ll give all I have to give.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove

Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:


Multiplicity: How Many Alters Do You Have and What Are They Like?

Inspired by a question on Quora.

The smart ass in me wants to start this answer with more than one, less than a hundred. But, that’s neither here nor there. To be honest I’ve never done an exact count, its a number that always seems to shift as I’m always finding more. So, to rephrase the question in a way that makes sense for me: How many of your others are active, and what are they like?

To answer that question I’ve got four who are the most active: Kain, Khitti, Xarathiel, and Isaiah. Of the four of them Kain is the only adult. The other three are children. I have lots of inner children (that’s probably why I never want to grow up).

Khitti is probably my most active personality. She is a four year old who is extremely talented mathematically. Without my brain in the way the little girl can do calculus in her head. She wants me to find advanced algebra workbooks like they’ve got the basic math workbooks for normal children. (If you happen to know of a place to get something like that let me know in the comments.) Other than math her current obsession is Skyrim. If I were to let her she would spend every waking moment playing the game. She loves My Little Pony, Princess Luna and Fluttershy are her favorites. Her favorite Disney movie is Tangled with Frozen being a close second (I’ve seen both of those movies upwards of forty times now, and she’ll start randomly singing the songs in my head at the most inopportune times). I love my little Khitti, and I don’t know what I’d do without her.

The next most active is Xarathiel, we call her Z for short. She’s probably around fourteen in age and is a total girly girl. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t woken up with blonde hair extensions, a manicure, a pedicure, and a lovely and frilly pink dress. She also knows I would never let her out again if that happened. Inside she spends her time drawing (I wish I had one-tenth of her talent), reading, and playing pranks on the other others. (Namely by turning them different colors.) She also likes My Little Pony and her favorite is Twilight Sparkle. When I let her out around other people her favorite thing to do is make them play a guessing game of sorts. She’ll pretend to be me, but will drop hints here and there trying to keep the person she’s talking to off kilter. She has a blast with it, and I admit I find it entertaining.

The next most active is Kain. In a way he’s my guardian angel and my ideal self all rolled into one. He’s been around the longest, wearing different names and faces as I grew up, but he was always there trying to protect me. Now he’s my biggest cheerleader. He knows what to say and when to say it. He knows when to call me out on shit. I feel like he’s perfect, and I’ve always wanted to be him. He’s everything I’m not. (Right now he’s facepalming and muttering ‘I’m far from perfect’ under his breath.)

The fourth most active personality is Isaiah. He’s a little boy probably about eight years old. He’s got a speech impediment due to surgery he’d had done on his throat (I might write more about that in a different post), and his absolute favorite thing in the world is soft serve ice cream. And, ice cream sandwiches. He said I can’t leave that out.

So, that’s pretty much my most active group. Later on I might go and write a post for each of them. But, I”m going to call it quits for now.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments section.

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Have You Ever Tried To Reprogram Your Brain

Computers are easy to handle,
Compared to the mind,
A computer can be changed quick as a candle,
The reset butt on the mind is much harder to find.

Windows screws up,
Time to reformat,
Download the backup,
Catch up on chitchat.

Mental breakdown,
Years of therapy,
Constantly run-down,
Always denied serenity.

Have you ever tried to reprogram your brain?
I’ve tried and tried but can’t see any gain.