The Poet: I Once Thought I Had The Key

Life feels empty,
Great stone corridors devoid of anything,
Depression, it seems, is quite trendy,
Deep in the tomb, burying.

Writing from an emotional place,
Sometimes forges the best art,
I wouldn’t know fine art if it hit me in the face,
How long are we to be apart?

How deep does despair go,
I don’t think I’ll even know,
Not so long as I’m falling, falling, falling,
The silence of the grave is a siren’s calling.

I once thought I had the key,
The key meant to set me free.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove


Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:

Get Your Shit Together

Get your shit together,
This is my new mission,
No matter the state of the weather,
I have made the final decision.

Ten long years I wallowed in misery,
I broke my vows and was naught but a child,
That is why my marriage is history,
And, why the papers will soon be filed.

I won’t let it continue,
The misery will no longer rule,
My decision is far past due,
But, I will protect it like a jewel.

Here’s to the life I will now live,
I won’t fail, I’ll give all I have to give.

Ryan S. Kinsgrove

Follow along with my peculiar brand of insanity:


Poem a Day: Waiting + Announcement


Is it going to be today?
What about tomorrow?
God, I need the pay,
So I do not have to borrow.

Cold Lunch is coming,
Long have I waited.
Lucien’s ever cunning,
Renfield’s thirst is sated.

Nervousness surrounds me,
Choking with anticipation,
Will they even like thee,
Can this be my occupation.

None can quench my thirst,
Cold Lunch comes on May first.


***Author’s Note***

So, my debut novel Cold Lunch is going to be released on May 1st and I am so on edge right now. XD

I’m filled with such a wild mix of emotions right now, and I don’t know which direction I should be going.

And, part of me is depressed, because I know this isn’t going to be a miracle moment. This release is going to change things for me, forever, but it’s not the miracle cure I’ve been dying for. I’ll still have to have a day job after the 1st. I have a long uphill battle with marketing coming up on the second. I put the book out there. I built it, now I need to let people know about it so they can come.

That being said, if you would be so kind, I’ve just started setting up a mailing list of like minded individuals. I thought I’d call you all my Kinsgrovians, and my newsletter will be the Kinsgrovian Press. Now, if you would, I’d like you to click right here, and sign up on my mailing list. That way you won’t miss an ounce of Kinsgrove.

Poem A Day: I Want To Go Home


I want to go home,
I will curl up and cry,
Finding myself buried in a tome,
The pages wet, tears fallen from the eye.


I want to go home,
I say that at home,
What does that mean?
Is something unseen?


Is home a place?
A time?
Somewhere in space?
A cloud of rime?


What does it mean?
To say, honey I’m home.
What factors are seen,
Are they nothing more than a roaming gnome?


I feel then, it’s lost for all time,
What it means to go home.
I sit here and cry as I rhyme,
There’s no place like…